Business Industrial Network
Online Infrared Training Center

Infrared Training Center
Infrared Thermography Training Online
Infrared thermograpy certificates & thermographer certifications.
This online
Infrared Training Center enables you or your employees to take the
Infrared Thermography Certificate courses and
thermographer certification courses listed below online. After taking the online Infrared Thermography Certification Prep Courses you have the option to visit any of three Infrared training centers to take instructor lead certification testing. Optionally, for a nominal additional fee, you can chose to have instructor test you via a video conference link and certify you online.
Thermography is use in a broad range of applications. Thermography is used routinely for PPM, PdM and Condition Monitoring for electrical and mechanical systems, buildings and roofs, boilers and steam systems, and process equipment.
Become a Certified Infrared Thermographer®
These online infrared thermography training courses meet all ASNT training requirements for the certification of NDT personnel. All courses taught in this infrared training center are by Infraspection Institute Level 3 Certified Infrared Thermographers®, each having over 20 years of professional experience.
All full infrared thermography training courses include:
Printed Reference Manual
Multi-Question Online Quizzes for each Infrared Thermography Training Course Unit
Exception® Report Generation Software - Trial Version
Regularly Scheduled Interactive Sessions with Thermographer Level 3 Instructors
Hands-on Experiments Utilizing Provided Materials
Instructions for Self-Directed Infrared Thermography Field Assignments
Proof of infrared Thermography Course Completion
Free ground shipping of course materials to continental US
("SuccessIRies ™ Short Courses" only include online quizzes and certificate, not all of the above)
Thermographer Certification Prep Courses :
Level I Infrared Thermography (32hrs)
Level II Infrared Thermography (32hrs)
Level III Infrared Thermography (21hrs)
Infrared Thermography Applications Courses :
Infrared Inspection of Electrical Systems (16hrs)
Infrared Inspection of Mechanical Systems (16hrs)
Infrared Inspection of Electro Mechanical Systems (24hrs)
Infrared Inspection of Building (18hrs)
Infrared Inspections for Petrochemical Companies (21hrs)
Infrared SuccessIRies™ Short Courses :
Coming soon (If you need now, contact us for details.
Starting, Marketing & Managing an IR Consulting Company (40min)
Temperature Limits for Elect & Mech Equipment (38min)
NFPA 70E - Are You in Compliance (50min)
Nine Steps for Setting Up an Infrared Inspection Program (22min)
IR Thermography for Building Diagnostics (89min)
How to Check IR Equipment Calibration (27min)
Use the infrared training center links above for more details about each specific online infrared thermography training course.
Email with login sent within 24 hours after purchase for this infrared training online.
The above are all Single User Registrations. Contact us for site license, multi-user pricing.
IR on IR (
Interact Realtime on Infrared Discussions bellow)
This Infrared Training Center's related Testimonials:
I think this is an outstanding class (Distance Learning Level I). The information is presented in an easy-to-understand format and with clarity. The class has helped me to put together an IR predictive maintenance program. I highly recommend this class to individuals entering this field." Laura J. Benbrooks - ALCOA
The Level-II course helped me to appreciate that all my previous temperature measurements were flawed. It helps your confidence and credibility to be able to state without reservation that your temperature measurements are correct." Charlie Jones - General Motors
One-of-a-kind training such as this is not available elsewhere. Years and years of work, research, and hands-on have put together a viable educational package worth every cent!" Ken Overstreet - Lockheed Martin
The course was objective and unbiased in regard to equipment and systems; it wasn’t a sales pitch. The information was practical to our application and was as concise as possible." David Millam - Missouri Public Service
This class was informative, goal oriented, and presented in an efficient manner. Well worth the time and cost . . . World class training!” John Czaczkowski - Merck
The course is good and solid. I would recommend it to anyone wanting further training.” Gary Ray - Intel Corporation
It is informative, presents much technical and practical application to the use of IR equipment and how to understand the data.” David Horne - Dominion Virginia Power
The Distance Learning course was convenient and thorough. When I had a question, my instructor was happy to take the time to thoroughly answer my query. This is an excellent course." Sally - Brainerd Home Inspection Service
I have obtained training online in the past and this course was presented more clearly than any other online training I have taken. Navigation made reviewing easy. I was extremely pleased with my distance learning experience." Ron Sangiancomo - Risk Management Solutions
It took us less than 3 months to recover not only our initial investment in infrared equipment, but the technician’s salary as well." Keith Hill - Lyondell Petrochemical
I’ve taken many courses in my 25+ years as an electrical supervisor. I can’t think of one that was presented as well or supplied material matching the quality of Distance Learning course. Excellent job!" Eric Stokka - Energy Doctors of Arizona, LLC
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