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Lamerholm Electronics Limited provides damage deterrent solutions for a wide range of industries including defence, aerospace, oil and gas, transport, horticulture, food and drink – in short, anyone who experiences damage to items in transit and needs to detect it.

Its 6,000 sq ft Letchworth premises are home to design, manufacturing and testing plus marketing, sales, service and support, including recalibration and repair, for the ShockLog range and automotive products. Lamerholm is also UK distributor for the ShockWatch and TiltWatch labels and the ImpactManager and EquipManager forklift access control and monitoring devices made by the US-owned ShockWatch Company, part of the Media Recovery Group.

In 2007, Lamerholm became part of the IMC Group. The IMC Group Limited has been formed by the amalgamation of Lamerholm Electronics Limited, its sister company Jekyll Electronic Technology and Hanwell Instruments Limited and now offers a broad range of solutions for applications as d

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