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SoftNoze USA Inc

Product Detail Pages

Cushioned Sensor Mounts

Cushioned Sensor MountsIs sensor downtime killing your productivity? Spring-loaded sensor protection, that includes a protective cap, will make your sensors immune from impact and abrasion damage.

Conversion Brackets

Conversion BracketsUpgrading your sensor(s)? Don't want to modify the existing machine frame? Then use a CB. They have two bolt patterns; one to match the current sensor's bolt pattern and a second to accept and secure the new one.

Limit Switch Mounts

Limit Switch MountsEasier, faster and more flexibility...limit switch applications can have it all. These Integration Components bring more value to limit switch-style devices and your equipment.

Sensor Wells

Sensor WellsIntegrate tubular-style proximity sensors to a wide variety of tanks, pipes and vessels for level and material detection applications. Most often used with industry standard Capacitive, Ultrasonic and Photoelectric Sensors;

Fiber Optic Mounting

Fiber Optic MountingMechanical integration components for cylindrical & square fiber-optic sensing heads. Ease installation, increase reliability and life, while speeding-up design time. Other solutions to prevent cable breakage, focal lenses and more.
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