FilterPod Non-Electric Sewage Treatment Plant

The FilterPod sewage treatment plant requires NO electricity for the treatment process. It is far more sustainable than even the traditional septic tank as unlike the annual emptying requirement of a septic tank, the FilterPod emptying interval is 1 to 3 years, whilst still giving a superb purity when using a two stage settlement tank. The FilterPod sewage treatment plant was tested for the EN12566-3 2005 at PIA, Aachen, Germany, the same test centre used by WPL, Klargester, Conder, etc.
The FilterPod sewage treatment plant achieves over 97% pollutant reduction. These results are excellent and because it is a natural process, it never requires mechanical repair. There is no 'spare parts list'.
The FilterPod is a 6 person sewage treatment plant. A twelve person plant will be available in the near future.
The simple treatment process is powered only by natural air currents and the air is ‘chimneyed’ through the unit by way of a low air inlet pipe at the plant and a high soil vent pipe. Why use expensive electricity to power the treatment process when it works better without it?
If you don't want tall vent pipes, the FilterPod can be artificially fan ventilated using solar power. This variant has also been tested at PIA.
The FilterPod requires no electricity, saving over 1000KW of electricity and 0.5 tonnes of CO2 emissions/year for a 3 bed. house, plus an extended emptying interval of between 1 and 3 years. Compared to standard UK manufactured sewage plants, this saves between £250 to £600/year for single house units and up to £2000/year for a 40 person plant.
The FilterPod is manufactured in recyclable HDPE polyethylene. It requires a septic tank in front of it (see Crystal septic tanks) ;and can also be added to an existing two stage septic tank to clean the effluent to Environment Agency requirements for discharge to a ditch or stream.
One of the benefits of the remarkable FilterPod sewage system is that it may be left unused for months with no bacterial death whatsoever. This makes it the ideal choice for Holiday lets and other seasonal situations where most sewage treatment plants will not work. As the ‘start-up’ period for full treatment is only 24 hours instead of the usual 6 to 8 weeks, the advantages for the tourist Industry are immense. The effluent quality is also superb, at 10:12:11 when following a two stage settlement tank, compared to the UK average requirement of 20:30:20.
With the great emphasis on ‘Sustainability’ in the building industry, this plant breaks new ground as the first ‘Green’ sewage treatment plant and septic tank conversion unit designed in the UK.
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