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AMGas Ltd

AMGas - LEDPoint® PRS

For the those engineers, technicians and budget holders, responsible for flammable gas detection systems:

Who want to save significant costs on their flammable gas sensing safety system operations
Who are dissatisfied with their existing Pellistor (or Catalytic) type LEL detectors
The LEDPoint®PRS is a Pellistor replacement infra-red sensor
That, unlike Pellistor sensors, offers:
Complete failsafe operation
No sinters that would otherwise block up
Increasing plant safety rating
Extends calibration intervals out to 3 years
Significant reduction in cost of ownership
We have had the LEDPoint®PRS performance tested and approved by industry leading organisations
Shell Global Solutions
We have drawn up instructions to allow the quick and easy installation of the LEDPoint®PRS into existing gas detection control systems

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