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Construction Projects Magazine

Contact Details

Tel: +27 2701 817350026
Email: Email Construction Projects Magazine

Street Address

44 sixth Road West,
South Africa

Postal Address

44 sixth Road West,
South Africa

Company Description

Construction Projects Review magazine is an online/print quarterly publication by Medula Corporate Pty. CPR is constantly at the forefront of this fast-moving and dynamic industry. With sound journalism and up-to-date news and reaction to the stories that are affecting the building construction industry today, CPR magazine keeps you one step ahead.

CPR has the go-to resource for business professionals in the industry. With its contemporary design, a news section packed with current events, interviews with the trade’s top professionals, and in-depth case studies on leading businesses, the magazine puts you in touch with the developments of your industry. It’s our business to help your business in everything construction.

  With a fresh and current approach, the CPR magazine has attracted an engaged readership with subscribers including Management Level Executives and Key Decision Makers. When you pick up a copy of the CPR magazine you’re in good company.

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