Company Description
Wastewater Disposal Solutions
Samsco provides industry with evaporative solutions for eliminating sewer discharge of process wastewater, and reducing off-site hauling by performing economical, on-site treatment of industrial process effluents.
Samsco offers several different evaporation technologies, making it possible to provide the best possible solution for each unique wastewater disposal situation. They include: the Samsco Water Evaporator II (Sentry System) thermal evaporator, the Samsco WasteSaver™ vacuum distillation evaporator, the Samsco RunDry boil-to-dry evaporator, and the EnviroStill vacuum, mechanical vapor recompression evaporator. All process complex wastewater chemistries, provide consistent operation, high efficiency and low maintenance.
Integrated process controls maximize reduction-in-volume (typically 90-99%) at $.01 to $.15 per gallon. Systems incorporate redundant safety sensors and three-stage mist elimination.
The units perform on-site treatment
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