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Samsco Corporation

Contact Details

Tel: +01 603 668-7111
Fax: +01 603 647-0537
Email: Email Samsco Corporation

Street Address

18 Cote Avenue,
United States of America

Postal Address

18 Cote Avenue,
United States of America

Company Description

Wastewater Disposal Solutions

Samsco provides industry with evaporative solutions for eliminating sewer discharge of process wastewater, and reducing off-site hauling by performing economical, on-site treatment of industrial process effluents.

Samsco offers several different evaporation technologies, making it possible to provide the best possible solution for each unique wastewater disposal situation. They include: the Samsco Water Evaporator II (Sentry System) thermal evaporator, the Samsco WasteSaver™ vacuum distillation evaporator, the Samsco RunDry boil-to-dry evaporator, and the EnviroStill vacuum, mechanical vapor recompression evaporator. All process complex wastewater chemistries, provide consistent operation, high efficiency and low maintenance.

Integrated process controls maximize reduction-in-volume (typically 90-99%) at $.01 to $.15 per gallon. Systems incorporate redundant safety sensors and three-stage mist elimination.

The units perform on-site treatment

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