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Bulldog Conveyor Belt Alignment and Rip Detection Switch
Product News Tuesday, October 26, 2010: 4B Braime Components
4B have launched the new 4B Bulldog belt alignment and rip detection switch. This electro-mechanical system has been designed to detect dangerous misalignment of the conveyor and also detection of belt tear damage.
The switch will detect horizontal misalignment of belts when contact is made with the roller; the roller arm will be forced to pivot by the belt activating a switch at 15º to trigger an alarm, and 30º to trigger a shut down procedure of the conveyor. The sensors are usually installed in pairs on opposite sides of the belt.
A steel flexible wire is set below the running conveyor belt approx 20-30mm attached by a rare earth magnet at each end. If the belt is ripped or damaged the wire is pulled away releasing the magnet connection which in turn will activate a switch.
The Bulldog’s robust design makes it suitable for the use in heavy duty applications such as quarrying and mining. It is easy to install and doesn’t need calibrating. The Bulldog is compatible with 4B’s CBS2 belt alignment monitor and the Watchdog Elite monitoring system. It has been approved for use in hazardous areas according to ATEX.
4B Braime Elevator Components is a leading supplier of level controls, intelligent sensors and safety control systems that prevent costly downtime and minimize the risk of explosion in hazardous areas. For a catalogue or more in-depth information, please visit 4B’s website at www.go4b.com or send an email to 4b-uk@go4b.com .