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Brubin Pumps: A Part of Torre Industries
11 Avalon road
Westlake view Ext 11
South Africa
Tel: +27 11 923 7000
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BRUBIN T Series leads the way in sustainable pumps
Company News Monday, September 5, 2016: Brubin Pumps: A Part of Torre Industries
As the only company in South Africa to manufacture the T Series, Brubin, which is represented locally under the Letaba Pumps, will be showcasing the unique T Series pump design at Electra Mining 2016, in Hall 6, Stand K12.
“The T Series is 100% manufactured in South Africa, and is mainly used in chemical and mineral processing plants, as well as where health and safety and environmental considerations are required,” says Brubin General Manager, Hannes Liebenberg.
The T Series is an armoured high performance magnetic drive pump fitted with replaceable liners in PVDF and ETFE materials. These are applied mainly in process applications that require a completely leak-free design with a high level of corrosion resistance. The T Series offers a seal-less design, replaceable liners, SIC bearing bushes, and a non-metallic reinforced rear casting. The T51-T57 Series are used for medium flow and medium head, while the T47 Series is used to achieve low flow and high head.
Further, the T Series is more economically priced relative to imported products, and has a low cost of ownership. “Because of its competitive price and reliability, we are the preferred supplier at Sasol and Denel for this unique Series,” says Liebenberg, noting that the company also serves a niche market with 2.2KW pump requirements.
“The pumps in the T Series use liner material in PVDF and ETFE for reduced maintenance costs. There is therefore no need for end user declarations or licences,” says Liebenberg. The reason for this is because we import the raw granules and use injection mould technology to form parts and components locally in South Africa.
This is also beneficial for the end-user, as they simply need to replace the moulded liner once damaged. “This is much more cost effective “says Liebenberg. Brubin Pumps is also ISO9001 2008 accredited by TUV, and the company also manufactures the BMC Series in complete stainless steel.
For more information, contact:
Mbali Msimango
Marketing Coordinator
11 Avalon Road, West Lake View Ext 11 Modderfontein, 1609, South Africa
+27 (0)11 9237000
+27 (0)72 562 2980