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Mechanical Rotating Solutions
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MRS offers total sealing protection for Warman, KSB and other industry leading manufacturers
Product News Thursday, June 8, 2017: Mechanical Rotating Solutions
The wide variety of industry proven mechanical seals offered by Mechanical Rotating Solutions is only part of a total rotating equipment sealing solution. As more and more industry partners see the advantage of mechanical seals to that of packing, as it will not only improve reliability and increase pump-seal life but also save you time and money, it becomes clear that one needs to think about protecting the rest of your pump as it has been documented that 40% of overall rotating equipment failures are due to bearing failure.
Whilst a properly installed quality mechanical seal will greatly contribute to productivity and the lifespan of your pump, equipment seal life can be extended many fold by the correct use of seal support systems. Once the primary pump is sealed, it makes little sense not to realise the benefits of bearing seals given the likelihood of premature failure of the equipment bearings.
It is for this reason that Mechanical Rotating Solutions’ highly recommends premium bearing seal arrangements such as the LabTecta™ range of products, which complement the total sealing package and extend equipment operating life significantly.
Having more than 7% of annual sales revenue reinvested in R&D over several decades, the AESSEAL® range of products distributed by Mechanical Rotating Solutions has sealed nearly all major equipment types and models. Solutions for some of the more commonly encountered manufacturers include Warman (LabTecta66 WARMAN), KSB (LabTecta66 KSB), Denver Orion and RAPID.
Working with industry stalwarts such as Warman, KSB, Goulds etc. it becomes evident that not all sealing solutions are the same. Equipment reliability improvements can be made by changing the seal environment and/or upgrading the seal design. Mechanical Rotating Solutions can provide inexpensive seal conversion kits to upgrade non-AES seal designs or change the OEM equipment seal environment in order to dramatically improve seal life.
There are many benefits of using AESSEAL® designed bearing protection. As an example, the LabTecta66 KSB non-contacting labyrinth seal with integral shut-off valve and accessories for KSB CPK pumps has the significant benefit that no modification is required and that it is field repairable.
Over the last decade Mechanical Rotating Solutions has worked together with various clients changing their sealing methods, improving the reliability of their pumps and reducing the likelihood of breakdowns and downtime. This in turn has led to a decrease in maintenance costs.