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New Mark V Hyrdoswage® System for Heat Exchangers
Product News Wednesday, March 23, 2011: Haskel International, Inc.
Haskel International Inc., a world leader in high pressure technology, today announced the launch of its newest addition to their range of Hydroswage Tube Expansion Equipment, the Mark V HydroSwage System, designed to hydraulically expand heat exchanger tubes into tube sheets through the direct application of high internal hydraulics pressure.
The New Mark V includes state of the art electronic controls for set up of all process functions via touch screen. Expansion history is electronically stored and can be downloaded to an Excel spreadsheet through a USB port located on the front of the electrical chassis.
The Mark V intensifier is mounted into a drawer that slides out of the power unit makes it easy to roll the system up to the tube sheet face to perform expansion and offers increased portability in a more compact design. If needed, the intensifier can be removed from the drawer and connected to an optional 20 ft long umbilical for use at a distance from the power unit.
Capable of expansion pressures to 50,000 PSI, the system accepts 100 to 240 VAC single-phase and requires air inlet pressure between 70 and 150 psi with a minimum of 70 scfm. The superior hydraulic expansion technology of the Mark V produces expansion pressures that are applied uniformly, tube after tube yielding consistent joints throughout the tube sheet. The method has been applied successfully to expand tubes into tube sheets as thin as ¾” up to as thick as 33”.
The Mark V System more closely meets the markets demands, providing ease, performance and reliability at an affordable price. For more information please visit www.haskel.com.