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CA Design   Platinum Listing 

CA Design is your source for high quality printed circuit board design and layout for OrCAD, PADS Power PCB, Cadence Allegro, Mentor Graphics, Specctra Autorouter, PCAD, Protel, and Mentor Expedition.

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Phone   +1 707 843-4646
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Cad / Cam Services, Inc.   Gold Listing 

Offering scanning / CAD PerfectTM conversion services, Electronic Document Management Software (EDMS), and Raster to Vector Conversion Software.

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Phone   +1 972 382-3021
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California Metal & Supply Inc.   Silver Listing    Manufacturer Distributor Exporter

Supplying Titanium, Inconel, 4130, Stainless 13-8 15-5 17-4 17-7 , A286, Magnesium sheets, plates, bars, tube & tubing products to major industries such as aerospace, heat-exchanger, compressor, pressure vessel and many more.

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Phone   +1 800 7076061
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Comer Industries   Platinum Listing 

Mechatronics is a new branch of engineering that integrates mechanics, hydraulics, electronics and information technology to develop advanced products, processes and systems.

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Phone   +1 704 588-8400
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Composite Resources   Silver Listing  ISO Certificate   Manufacturer

Specialist in composites from design/prototyping composites and manufacturing assebly/production of composites including a wide range of stock composite products.

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Phone   +1 803 366-9700
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Cooper Petroleum Inc   Platinum Listing    Distributor Service Provider

Cooper Petroleum Inc is a leading fuel distributor of DEF fluid. We are able to supply top quality DEF to our suppliers.

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Phone   +888 652 5635
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Castle Pumps Limited   Silver 100 Enhanced Listing  Association Certificate ISO Certificate   Manufacturer Distributor Exporter Service Provider

Castle Pumps Ltd are a specialist industrial pump supplier for most applications involving water, fuels, lubricants and chemicals. Popular models in our range include centrifugal, high press multistage, peristaltic and progressive cavity pumps.

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Phone   +44 1773 533 283
  +44 7540 319376
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CD Automation UK Ltd   Silver 100 Enhanced Listing 

Leaders in the power switching, monitoring, and filtering industry including highly successful range of Thyristor power controllers.

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Phone   +44 (0) 1323 811100
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Cemo Pumps (Pty) Ltd   Silver100 Listing 

Cemo Pumps has been successfully operating for over 45 years in the Mining, Industrial and Commercial fields.

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Phone   +27 (0)11 618-2003
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CopperWorks   Silver100 Listing 

Rapid Prototyping Electronic Design

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Phone   +27 (0)0082 49502554
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