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Fletcher Machine Inc.   Platinum Listing 

Design, engineer, manufacture, install and service not just your machine, but virtually all the parts that go into your machine.

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Phone   +1 336 249-6101
  +1 800 438-1054
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Flexicon Corporation   Silver Listing    Manufacturer

Australia: Flexicon Corp. (Australia) Pty Ltd
South Africa: Flexicon Africa (Pty) Ltd.
United Kingdom: Flexicon (Europe) Limited

World leader in the design and manufacture of bulk handling equipment and custom-engineered and integrated plant-wide systems.

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Phone   +1 610 814-2400
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Forsta Filters Inc.   Bronze Listing 

Forsta is a premier manufacturer of self-cleaning screen filters.

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Phone   +1 310 8377177
  +8377177 310 8377177
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Famdra Industrial Weighing cc   Platinum500 Listing  Other Certificate   Manufacturer Distributor Exporter Service Provider

Famdra is wholly a South African company involved in design, manufacture and maintenance of INDUSTRIAL WEIGHING EQUIPMENT.

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Phone   +27 (0)12 719 8371
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Fox Controls Rand cc   Silver100 Listing    Distributor Exporter

Suppliers of quality measurement and control equipment

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Phone   +27 (0)11 886-3466
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