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igus   Silver Listing    Manufacturer Service Provider

igus has been manufacturing engineered plastics for more 50 years, and develops all materials and technology behind its lines of Energy Chain cable carriers, iglide bearings, Chainflex continuous-flex cables and DryLin linear systems.

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Phone   +1 401 4382200
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Industrial Clutch Parts Ltd   Silver 100 Enhanced Listing 

Suppliers of industrial brakes, clutches, couplings & friction material

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Phone   +44 (0)1663 734627
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Industrial Steam Boilers cc   Bronze 10 Listing    Manufacturer Distributor Exporter Service Provider

Supply New & Refurbished Combustion & Steam Generating Equipment

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Phone   +27 (0)86 1000 735
  +27 (0)83 860 6633
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International Clamps (Pty) Ltd   Platinum350 Listing  BEE Certificate   Manufacturer Distributor Exporter

Sole SA Import Agents for NORMA-Group Germany: NORMA & BREEZE; CLIC Switzerlandand; and representatives for OETIKER & RPG Raychem. Clamps include: hose clamps, pipe clamps and Connecting products for various industries & applications.

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Phone   +27 11 809 6500
  +27 11 809 6508
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Island Scientific Ltd   Silver 100 Enhanced Listing 

UK's largest supplier of refurbished, reconditioned vacuum pumps and high vacuum equipment.

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Phone   +44 (0)1983 855822
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